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Harriers Newsletter - January 2025

First edition of the newsletter for 2025!


National Cross Country Championships


The nationals at Parliament Hill are upon us!


We've organised a coach that we're sharing with a couple of other clubs.


If you'd like a place on the coach the price for each seat is £18.

The account for payment is Nuneaton Harriers Athletic Club

Sort code: 30-96-20

Account number: 02908822

Please use your name as the reference and email the club when payment has been made


The coach will leave the front of The Pingles, promptly at 7am and they'll be a pick up at Coventry Godiva's track (CV4 8GD)


If you're going to need a lift please do this sooner rather than later!

Cross Country Leagues

Speaking of cross country.

This weekend is the final set of league fixtures for our junior, women and mens team.

All of the teams need every possible runner to try and gain as many points as possible so if you're free please go and have some fun! It's been another great season and we're hoping to wrap the season up with some more excellent running!


Warwickshire Road Race League

With the cross country season almost finished it won't be too long until the Warwickshire Road Race League begins!


Fixtures are now out


Race 1: Sun 13th April: Massey 5k @ Memorial Park

Race 2: Thurs 15th May: Ryton 5 @ Ryton Pools

Race 3: Weds 4th June (eve): Sphinx Summer 5 @ Memorial Park

Race 4: Sun 8th June: Two Castles Run @ Warwick/ Kenilworth

Race 5: Sun 13th July: Northbrook 10k @ Allesley

Race 6: Fri 15th August: Stratford Summer 6 @ Wilmcote

Race 7: Sun 7th September: Kenilworth Half Marathon @ Kenilworth

Race 8: Sun 14th September: Balsall Common 10k @ Balsall Common

Race 9: Sun 5th October: Rugby 10 @ Barby


Some of these events are already available to enter. Two Castles in particular will sell out quickly so if you're intending to run sign up for that quickly. There's a discount code for Harriers members. If you contact a run leader or email we can share that with you


Website and Social Media


We're expanding our online efforts further! The club is now on Instagram!

We're still figuring out a little but please give us a follow!


We've also added a page for fixtures on the website. This will contain all the events that we're involved in as a club as well as any other events that may of be interest to the various groups we have.


If you have something you'd like to share so other Harriers can tag along do share them at Page will evolve over the next few weeks but the first version is available here





The clubs Annual General Meeting is upon us! This yearly event gives everyone a chance hear how the club is doing behind the scenes, elect committee members and club officials and give members the opportunity to get involved with how the club moves forward


Date for this is Tuesday 8th April at 8.30pm in the clubhouse


We're always on the lookout for people to get involved in the committee or the general workings of the club. If you've got a skill that may be of use or a willing to give a little time to help in anyway we'd love to see you



Volunteer Shoutout


Junior Cross Country

We're hosting one of the final junior cross country fixtures on Sunday. If anyone can spare some time to come and marshal please pop down from 10am. There will be refreshments as way of thank you / bribe


Couch To 5k Graduation


We're going to be doing a Bedworth parkrun volunteer takeover to celebrate the end of our latest highly popular course!


We'll need people to fill the various parkrun roles and to cheer everyone on. If we get enough volunteers we'll be able to provide pacers for the event too!if you're free email





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